Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Currently I am in Egypt, to be precise I am in Dahab in the south Sinai. My mission is to write my thesis. I figured that it is a lot cheaper than London and there are a lot less distractions. So far I am doing quite well, I have written more than I think I would in London even though I have been busy moving into an apartment and settling in etc. Now I am ready to accelerate to never before seen levels of productivity! This is kind of dependent on the air con in my apartment getting fixed because otherwise it is too hot too sleep and far too hot to think, but, insha'allah, it should be fixed today.

My other reason for being here is that it is the freediving capital of the world. There is lovely warm, clear, and, most importantly, deep water 3 minutes from my apartment, loads of people to freedive with (most of whom are very good) and some great people to take some coaching from. I am pretty much on my pb from last year (41m) and it feels easy. I am taking it slowly, doing lots of dives to about 40m, and have some technique to learn, but I hope to be hitting 50m and more soon. So these are my goals for the summer - one complete thesis and 50m+. My schedule is pretty much work in the mornings, noon, and evenings and freedive in the afternoon. No late nights, no alcohol, no noxious London pollution; by the end of September I should either feel more healthy and alive than I have done in years, or a complete physical and mental wreck, we'll see...

Update, well I seem to be edging toward the physical wreck end of the spectrum, had a bit of boo-boo freediving and was spitting a little blood afterwards. Apparently not too much to worry about, but need a few days rest and to take it easy for a week. That will teach me for being so optimistic! On the bright side it means I have even more time to write my thesis, so I am plowing ahead with the background chapter!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Nick. I tried to do this too. I wrote my thesis in an apartment in Belgrade in the middle of winter. Even fewer distractions. Absolutely no supervision, though. Brave man. I look forward to the final result.

    Dave Clarke
