Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ECOOP day 3

Tobias gave the first technical talk and was surprisingly bright-eyed; apparently that's what being Swedish does for you. The paper is entitled Loci: Simple Thread-Locality for Java. There is a very simple ownership system (two annotations - shared and thread) where threads own their thread local data and the system restricts references accordingly, thus data is kept thread-local. It's all enforced statically, and they have a compiler. Their empirical evaluation found that most classes could be made thread-local.

Next was Failboxes: Provably Safe Exception Handling presented by Bart Jacobs the younger. These are essentially a safer version of exceptions (although they are layered on top of exceptions, they're not a replacement). The problem with standard exceptions is that side effects made inside a try block will remain even if the try block fails and an exception is thrown. Fail boxes allow non-lexical scoping of expressions and so failure can prevent execution of dependent expressions which are outside the try block.

Weirdest talk of the conference award goes to Yossi Gil presenting "Are we ready for a Safer Construction Environment". The idea is small but sweet and is a restriction on the way objects can be constructed. The problem is that during object construction, objects are 'half-baked' that is, construction has not finished, fields may not have been initialised, and invariants may not have been established. They propose restricting construction to their hard-hat model, which means that means no virtual method calls and no exposure of this to external methods.

Now, whilst this is a solution, it's not very clever, it seems to be along the lines of "if you do nothing, you won't get hurt" and to me seems like it should be a paragraph in a 'how to program' textbook, not a full paper in a PL conference. But, they have done loads of corpus analysis to confirm the obvious, and since that seems to be in fashion now (why? Can someone please tell me why?!), it has got published. Having said that it is something that I would bear in mind if I were making a system where invariants at construction was important, so I guess it should be published somehow...

Christian Haack then talked about Type-Based Object Immutability with Flexible Initialisation. This seems like a lightweight ownership system for immutability. I think the key of it is that you enforce owners-as-dominators (or something like it) during initialisation to ensure an object is initialised 'privately' and then enforce a kind of owners-as-modifiers (it's not total immutability) afterwards. Which is nice as far as it goes. But I feel there is a sweet spot with the immutability/uniqueness/ownership combination which has not quite been hit, although this and other papers are getting close.

Finally, Ali Ibrahim (I think) talked about Remote Batch Invocation for Compositional Object Services. This is an optimisation of RMI so that remote calls are batched together for the sake of efficiency. They introduce a batch keyword to the language, and within the batch scope, the order of execution can be changed so that remote calls are batched. It's all bit cleverer than that, for example, they do 're-forestation' of data structures to improve batching of loops. They have an implementation and plenty of empirical analysis.

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