Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Things I'll miss about Wellington

Over the Christmas holiday I'll be moving down to Christchurch and leaving Wellington. This is good because Christchurch (or more precisely Castle Hill) has excellent climbing, and new cities are fun. But I think I will miss Wellington a lot, it is one of the nicest cities I have ever visited, and living here has been a real treat. I'll reflect more on the academic side of my stay here in another post, but here is a list of things I think I will miss about Wellington in pretty random order:

People's Coffee - excellent coffee, even by NZ standards
The Engine Room - a great place for climbing training
The Rak - Not the best climbing spot on earth, but the one I've spent the most time, and I've grown to really like some of the problems
Prana - vegetarian cafe in Newtown - awesome
Cafes in general - including Sweet Mother's, Baobob, Cafe Deluxe, Midnight Espresso, Esspressoholic, Fidel's, Lido, O Sushi
The art gallery (I went to Roundabout the other day and it was excellent, as have been may other exhibits)
The Embassy - such a cool cinema
Our house - it might be small, but it is lovely, and my wife and I's first home together, adn it has an amazingly sunny deck
Two surprisingly good Hip-hop nights at the San Fran Bathhouse (Jean Grae, Talib Kweli, Pharaoh Monch, Mr Len)
The Powerhouse - surely the best place on earth to lift weights (no frills, all hardcore)
Bars - Havana, Monteray, Good Luck, Southern Cross (some weird and cool live music nights), Alice, Motel
All my friends and colleagues - of course!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you forgot about the harbour view on a sunny day ... works wonders on those stress levels!!!
