Tuesday, June 05, 2012

An ill-thought out theory about what makes programming interesting

This one is going to be a bit random. Bear with me. I've been thinking a bit about what makes some programming tasks interesting and some not so interesting (to me). As a result of this thinking, I present my theory of different kinds of programming (TM). I'm sure someone has come up with this before, but I've not come across it, I think.

So, let us define normal programs as 1st order programming, they operate on data and produce an output. Most programming tasks are of this nature. Let us call data itself 0th order programming, that is, there is no real programming. 2nd order programs are those that operate on 1st order programs (for e.g., compilers, modern web browsers); 3rd order programs operate on 2nd order ones (e.g., compiler-compilers, parser generators, tools for the analysis of compilers or compiler theories, such as Coq); and so forth, although I can't think of any 4th order programs, and as with most nth-order type theories, the higher orders blur together and probably stop being interesting.

Furthermore, we can have half orders, where the programming task is meant to be extensively reused. So standard libraries and frameworks are 1.5th order and compiler libraries and so forth (e.g., llvm) are 2.5th order. Possibly there are 0.5th order programs, but I don't think of libraries here so much as hybrid data/programs such as a TeX document.

I think that from a programming perspective, the problems get more interesting as we go up the scale (for some definition of interesting, which might just be complicated). So, for a programmer, making a web page (0th order) is boring as hell, making web-based software is much more interesting, and making a compiler for that software is more interesting still. In fact, I don't think it is just about complicated, I think that as we go up the scale the problems are qualitatively different (and, to me at least, more interesting).

BUT, there are advantages to lower-order programming, and disadvantages to higher-order programming: working with data, you can be creative and solve hard problems about all kinds of non-progamming things. Likewise, 1st order programs tend to allow you to work closer to the 'people' problems, which, apparently, are the really interesting ones. The lower order a program is (in general), the easy it is to test and to specify the problem (the lack of a clear specification being one of the most annoying things, for me, about programming). As we go up the orders, the tasks can actually get repetitive, and certainly the risk of failure is higher, the problem more abstract and has a less direct impact on the real world. And at some point the complexity stops being fun - I have dabbled in a few 3rd order tasks, and progress was very slow, and the output very small, and a lot of the problems encountered were tedious edge cases.

So thinking about myself, 2nd order programming seems to be my Goldilocks kind of programming, not too abstract and complex, but operating on code, not data. All the projects I have really enjoyed fall into this category - compilers, interpreters, Firefox.

I wonder where programming language theory falls into my scheme. I think of it as just programming really, but with maths, rather than a compiler. It doesn't feel like any of my categories though (but has elements of all of them), maybe I need a different scheme.

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