Wednesday, July 23, 2014

LibHoare - pre- and postconditions in Rust

I wrote a small macro library for writing pre- and postconditions (design by contract style) in Rust. It is called LibHoare (named after the logic and in turn Tony Hoare) and is here (along with installation instructions). It should be easy to use in your Rust programs, especially if you use Cargo. If it isn't, please let me know by filing issues on GitHub.

The syntax is straightforward, you add `[#precond="predicate"]` annotations before a function where `predicate` is any Rust expression which will evaluate to a bool. You can use any variables which would be in scope where the function is defined and any arguments to the function. Preconditions are checked dynamically before a function is executed on every call to that function.

You can also write `[#postcond="predicate"]` which is checked on leaving a function and `[#invariant="predicate"]` which is checked before and after. You can write any combination of annotations too. In postconditions you can use the special variable `result` (soon to be renamed to `return`) to access the value returned by the function.

There are also `debug_*` versions of each annotation which are not checked in --ndebug builds.

The biggest limitation at the moment is that you can only write conditions on functions, not methods (even static ones). This is due to a restriction on where any annotation can be placed in the Rust compiler. That should be resolved at some point and then LibHoare should be pretty easy to update.

If you have ideas for improvement, please let me know! Contributions are very welcome.

# Implementation

The implementation of these syntax extensions is fairly simple. Where the old function used to be, we create a new function with the same signature and an empty body. Then we declare the old function inside the new function and call it with all the arguments (generating the list of arguments is the only interesting bit here because arguments in Rust can be arbitrary patterns). We then return the result of that function call as the result of the outer function. Preconditions are just an `assert!` inserted before calling the inner function and postconditions are an `assert!` inserted after the function call and before returning.


  1. How does this compare with typestate?

  2. These are just dynamically checked assertions, there is no attempt made at static checking (although that would be an interesting project...).

    The assertions are only applied to functions, not types in general and there is no intrinsic notion of state.

    These are much more similar to design by contract than to typestate.
